Asset management company

  • Asset administration
  • Legal support
  • Tax consulting
  • Investment consulting

About us

BONUM GROUP is an asset management company of mutual investment institutions (corporate and mutual investment funds). The company was founded in 2005 and has come a long way of development and formation. The company’s management has the competencies needed to create value for the client. The range of our services goes beyond the exclusive administration of assets and includes legal support for investment market entities, tax, investment and financial consulting

BONUM GROUP helps big businesses to structure assets, reduce transaction costs and costs of borrowings, as well as build an optimal tax strategy based on the balance of interests

Oleksandr Kirimov on the pages of

The managing partner of the company “Bonum Group” about trends in the market of asset management of joint investment institutes, new rules of operation and drivers for the development of the stock market in Ukraine. And also about good deeds that do not need publicity. In the April issue of the magazine




Investors Book 2021 — a catalogue for investors and startups that will allow them to connect in a reliable and efficient way. Information about BONUM GROUP AMC may be found on page 37 of the Book
The Investors Book 2021 was created by the Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (UVCA) with the support of a grant from USAID through its Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine (USAID CEP), in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. The Investors Book 2021 and its results do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government



Kirimov Oleksandr

Managing partner

Entrepreneur and financier, international economist and mechanical engineer by profession, has great experience in the financial sector and oil&gas. Participant of a contest Leaders of Financial Markets by At Bonum Group is responsible for attraction of investments, customer relations and quality of services


Ivzhenko Iryna

Director General

Is a recognized expert in the field of investment, in particular in asset management of mutual investment institutions. Carries out the general management of the company, is responsible for operations with the assets of the funds under management and communicates with the supervisory authorities


Kalashnikov Oleksandr

Chief accountant

Recognized expert in the field of accounting and reporting of the stock market subjects. Has extensive experience in financial services markets, in particular as an accountant and chief accountant. At the company is responsible for accounting policies, financial reporting and reporting to supervisory bodies and tax authorities



Asset Administration

We provide asset management services for mutual investment institutions, which includes analytical reviews of markets, comprehensive analysis of investment objects, development and implementation of optimal risk-based investment strategy

Legal support

Our team of lawyers and attorneys provide legal support for our clients in all areas of law. We conduct business disputes, administrative proceedings, as well as represent the interests of clients in criminal cases

Tax consulting

We analyze the activities of the enterprise in terms of tax burden, taking into account the provisions and requirements of tax law. At the same time, we are developing an optimal strategy that ensures an effective balance between the taxpayers' and the state's interests

Investment consulting

Our team conducts investment analysis of projects, including feasibility study, development of feasibility study and business plan, development of possible financial and economic development scenarios. We also help to attract debt and equity finance


USREOU code 33889111

License of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission to conduct professional activities in the stock market – asset management of institutional investors (asset management activities) No.2057
Date of license issuance 12/10/2015
The license is valid indefinitely

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