About us
Regulatory information
ARABESKALE 1 corporate
ARABESKALE 1 corporate
Corporate documents
Net assets value reference as of 30.09.2023
Notes to financial statement for Q3 Y2023
Net assets value reference as of 30.06.2023
Notes to financial statement for Q2 Y 2023
Net assets value as of 31.03.2023
Notes to financial statement for Q1 Y2023
Auditor’s report for Y2022
Net assets value as of 31.12.2022
Notes to financial statement for Y2022
Information regarding the servicing companies of the fund
Standing order
Share issue prospectus
Notification on lost of the Prospectus for issue of the shares
Notification on lost of the Standing order
Information about servicing companies Arabeskale-1
Net assets value reference as of 30.09.2022
Notes to financial statement for 9 months of 2022
Notification of loose of the Shares Issue Ceritificate
Notification of loose of the USRCII Certificate
Net assets value reference as of 30.06.2022
Notes to financial statement for 6 months 2022
Notes to financial statement 1st quarter Y2022
Net assets value reference as of 31.03.2022
Notes to financial statement Y2021
Net assets value reference as of 31.12.2021
Audit of financial reporting Y2021 ARABESKALE 1
Announcement on search of the auditor
Net assets value reference as of 30.06.2021
Notes to financial statements for the 9 months of 2021
Notes to the financial statements for the 1st half of 2021
Net assets value reference as of 30.06.21
Auditor’s report for the Year 2020
Information reference on the composition and structure of April 2021
Financial statement for the Year 2020
Extract from the register of codes of securities
Certificate of inclusion into the Financial Institutions Register
Excerpt from the State register of legal entities
Charter of Arabeskale 1
Certificate of registration of an issue of shares